想一次過玩盡西日本、四國跟九州,但買全日本JR PASS又感到有點浪費?

新推出的“山陽-四國-九州 JR PASS”完全解決這個煩惱!

由2012年4月10日起,外國旅客可利用”山陽-四國-九州 JR PASS(全九州/北九州)”於指定的區域內連續5天無限次乘搭包括新幹線的JR列車~

“山陽-四國-九州 JR PASS(全九州)”: 25,000日元(成人)/12,500日元(兒童)
利用範圍- 大阪以西,四國及整個九州

“山陽-四國-九州 JR PASS(北九州)”: 22,000日元(成人)/11,000日元(兒童)
利用範圍- 大阪以西,四國及北九州(熊本站,大分站以北)



全九州版- http://www.jr-odekake.net/en/jwrp/all_kyushu.html (英文)

北九州版- http://www.jr-odekake.net/en/jwrp/northern_kyushu.html (英文)

JR Kyushu, JR West, and JR Shikoku have begun sales to foreign tourists of a common rail pass for all the trains the three companies operate. That includes the Shinkansen, special express trains, limited express trains, and regular trains. The passes are valid for five days and cost 25,000 yen. Another pass sold for 22,000 yen limits rides to the area north of Kumamoto. There have been other rail passes for foreigners before, including those for the entire country and those for Kyushu, but this is the first for the promotion of tourism in the western Japan region. The passes are being sold at the primary stations of the three companies, and will also be sold by travel agents overseas starting in June.

Sanyo-Shikoku-Kyushu JR PASS – All Kyushu Version

Sanyo-Shikoku-Kyushu JR PASS – Northern Kyushu Version

  • 福岡県香港事務所